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Who Is At Fault In A Yellow Light Accident?

by | Oct 3, 2024 | Car Accidents

Stoplights help prevent lots of confusion on the roads. However, yellow lights are unique because even defensive drivers can make mistakes that lead to a car accident. If a yellow light accident occurs, it can be challenging to determine who’s liable for that collision. If you need to determine yellow light accident fault, work with trusted car accident lawyers.

T-bone collisions between left-turning vehicles and those going through an intersection on a yellow light are some of the most dangerous. Yellow lights create a risk because going or staying put is often left to the driver’s discretion. Generally, oncoming traffic has the right of way, so it’s up to yellow-light drivers to proceed with extreme caution.

Photo of Transportation at Night

Determining Fault in Florida Yellow Light Accidents

It is a misnomer that drivers making left turns at yellow lights are automatically responsible if an accident occurs. Who is at fault for your yellow light accident will depend on the following:

  • Vehicle speed
  • Each driver’s duty to care
  • Reasonable approach for drivers in similar situations

That’s why drivers must seek experienced legal assistance if they’re involved in an accident. Adept car accident attorneys will gather and review the evidence, police reports, witness testimonies, CCTV footage, and photographs from the scene to determine who’s liable for your accident injuries.

If you’ve been hurt in a yellow light accident, car accident injury lawyers recommend speaking with Englander Peebles for a free consultation to discuss your claim.

Yellow Light Accident Scenarios

Yellow light accidents can occur at any intersection; some of the most common occurrences include:

  • Rear-end collisions when the driver in the vehicle in the car behind does not stop in time
  • Drivers turning left do not give the right-of-way to an oncoming vehicle
  • The light turns red, and the driver is in the middle of the intersection and must turn

Why Yellow Lights Are Dangerous

Yellow lights were intended to forewarn drivers to slow down and prepare to stop. Unfortunately, many drivers see it as a sign to hurry through the traffic light. In the haste to beat the light, oncoming traffic becomes less of a concern, and accidents may occur. The NHTSA reports that crashes often occur at intersections because roads cross and activities like

turning left, crossing over, and turning right have the potential to cause collisions.

Avoiding Yellow Light Accidents

Car accident lawyers recommend slowing down whenever you’re approaching an intersection. It can be difficult to time when a light will change, so slowing down, even if it’s green, can help prepare everyone for a safe stop.

Remembering to practice caution when turning left at yellow lights is extremely important because of all the hazards. Not only do you have to look out for oncoming traffic, but there may also be pedestrians or cyclists in the crosswalk who have the right of way. If you were a pedestrian hit by a driver speeding through a light and experienced severe injuries, you may be entitled to compensation.

The skillful car accident attorneys at Englander Peebles recommend the following precautions when approaching yellow lights:

  • Treat all yellow lights as warnings that a red light is coming and slow down
  • Always yield to oncoming traffic, pedestrians, and cyclists when making a left turn
  • Slow down to a complete stop when making right turns on yellow lights to avoid accidents
  • Obey the speed limit so that you have time to stop
  • Always drive cautiously and use yellow lights as a signal to slow down or stop

Steps To Take If You Are Involved In A Yellow Light Accident

If you are involved in a yellow light accident, the steps you take can determine if you’re found liable or able to recover financial compensation for your accident. The first thing you want to do is contact the police and emergency personnel so they can make sure the location is safe, write an official report, and treat the injured. If you’re involved in a yellow light accident, see a doctor even if you don’t feel your injuries are severe.

Next, it’s essential to contact your insurer, especially in Florida, a no-fault state. Your insurer will likely be responsible for covering your damages. Take photographs of the accident scene, record witness statements if possible, and get everyone involved’s contact information.

Lastly, sit down with a diligent attorney for a free consultation. In this consultation, your attorney can answer your questions, get an idea of whether or not your claim is legitimate, and help you understand how to proceed in your yellow-light accident.