Englander Peebles Accident & Injury Lawyers

We’re not like other firms.

Legal Assistance For Your Fracture Injury

On average, a person will experience two broken bones, or fractures, over the course of their lifetime. A broken bone can significantly affect your life. You may suffer severe pain when the fracture occurs, and your recovery could require surgery, physical therapy and more. You may also miss time from work due to your injury. You may be unable to support yourself or enjoy normal activities.

If you fractured a bone in an accident caused by someone else’s negligence, you should not have to pay for the costs that you have incurred out of your own pocket. Nor should you struggle to pay your bills and other financial responsibilities if someone else’s actions forced you to miss work.

At Englander Peebles, our experienced personal injury attorneys are here to review your case and seek maximum compensation for you. We know how insurance companies try to take advantage of injured people and their families in Fort Lauderdale and throughout Florida. We will aggressively protect your rights. Contact us today at 954-500-4878 to discuss your case in a free consultation. Our online contact form is also available for your convenience.

Common Causes Of Bone Fractures

Broken bones can result from many different types of accidents that people cause due to their negligence. At Englander Peebles, we often work with clients who have suffered fractures due to:


A person may suffer a foot, ankle or leg fracture in a fall or a hand, wrist or arm fracture while trying to protect themselves in a fall. Slip-and-fall accidents can occur when Florida property owners fail to take reasonable steps to make their property safe for visitors.

Car Accidents

Arms, shoulders and legs are the areas most commonly fractured in car accidents. Crash victims also can suffer rib fractures that can lead to internal organ injuries.

Motorcycle Accidents

Motorcycles offer no structural protection. Operators and passengers may suffer fractures from the impact of a motor vehicle or from getting thrown from the bike. All too often, these crashes occur in Fort Lauderdale because vehicle drivers fail to see motorcyclists or simply refuse to share the road safely with them.

Pedestrian Accidents

Pedestrians are unprotected when crossing the street or walking on sidewalks. Due to the weight and impact of even a slow-moving vehicle, these accidents can easily cause broken bones.

If you have experienced any accident that resulted in a broken bone, you may be entitled to compensation for your injuries. When you speak with us at Englander Peebles, we will thoroughly investigate the facts of your case and help you explore all legal options available to you. Above all, we will be aggressive when dealing with insurance companies. They will quickly see that we are ready to go to trial if that’s what it takes to fight for the compensation you are due.

Common Types Of Fractures

The severity of your fracture and its impact on your ability to work and enjoy your life will be important factors as we seek compensation for you. The most common types of fractures that we see when working with clients in Fort Lauderdale and other areas of Florida include:

  • Comminuted fracture: When a single bone breaks into several pieces
  • Transverse fracture: When the bone breaks perpendicular to the long part of the bone
  • Oblique fracture: An angled break through the bone (similar to splintering as opposed to a clean break), which can be difficult to set and requires a long recovery time
  • Contact our bone fracture lawyers today for a free consultation.
  • Pathologic fracture: Caused by disease to the bone that weakens the area where the fracture occurs
  • Stress fracture: A small crack in the bone that is typically caused by overuse or compression
  • Displaced: When fragments on each side of the break fail to align properly
  • Avulsion: When soft tissue such as a ligament separates from the bone
  • Child fracture: Greenstick fractures, buckle fractures and growth plate fractures, which are injuries that children frequently suffer in accidents

What Compensation Can You Recover If You Suffer A Fracture In An Accident?

The type and amount of compensation available to you for an accident-related broken bone will depend on the nature and severity of your injury. If your accident occurred due to the negligence or fault of another party, you may be eligible to recover damages through a settlement or verdict. An experienced broken bone attorney from Englander Peebles can examine the evidence and other information in your case and determine what your claim is potentially worth. Some of the factors that we will consider are:

Type Of Fracture

Certain types of fractures can be more painful, debilitating and, ultimately, costly than other types of breaks in terms of medical treatment and missed time at work.

Medical Treatment

A fracture typically requires realignment, or “reduction.” Often, the reduction requires a doctor to insert a plate, screw, nail or wire. A patient may then need to wear a brace, cast or sling for several weeks or months in order to keep the bone stabilized. Often, a patient must take medication to prevent pain and inflammation. If complications arise, the patient may need surgery or other additional treatment. The medical bills can quickly pile up.

Loss Of Income

If you cannot go back to work for an extended period of time due to a fracture or you cannot return to your former line of work, you may be able to recover compensation for loss of income and reduction of your future earning ability.

Pain And Suffering

A broken bone can cause immense physical pain and emotional distress. This is especially true if the fracture prevents you from being able to do work around the home or enjoy the same activities that you did before the fracture.

At Englander Peebles, we will handle all aspects of your personal injury claim so that you can focus on your health and your family instead of wasting energy on fighting with the insurance company. We have the knowledge and resources to go toe-to-toe with insurance companies and demand maximum compensation for your fracture injury.

Contact Our Fort Lauderdale Bone Fracture Lawyers Today

If you have suffered a broken bone injury in Fort Lauderdale or the surrounding communities in South Florida, contact Englander Peebles without delay. Call us at 954-500-4878 or provide your contact information via our online form. We will provide a free consultation, and we will charge nothing for our legal services unless we secure compensation for you.